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Yahoo! Green: What's Wasting Energy in Your Home Right Now
Posted by: Jamie 10/22/2008 4:43 PM

Virtually all of your electronics are sucking up energy even if they're turned off or not being used. Some of the biggest culprits include your TV, computer, and printer. Even your electric toothbrush is drawing energy when it's plugged in and sitting idle. 

On its own, the "vampire power" used by one device might seem miniscule, but collectively it amounts to more than $4 billion a year of wasted energy here in the United States. What's more, the Department of Energy says that about 75 percent of the electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while the products are turned off. 

The easiest (and most obvious) thing you can do is get up right now and unplug whatever you're not using. Candidates include:

-Your hand-held vacuum in its charging station
-Power drills
-Automatic coffee makers
-The VCR you haven't used in nearly a decade
-The TV that's collecting dust in the guest room
-The empty refrigerator in the garage

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