Geothermal Practical in Md Rancher
Last Post 20 Apr 2007 03:54 PM by wallers164. 2 Replies.
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kprosenUser is Offline
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12 Apr 2007 12:39 PM
I live in an older single story brick rancher, in Maryland, that is insulated. The heated area is approx. 3000 square feet. The heat is supplied by an oil boiler that supplies hot water to base board radiators as well as domestic hot water. The boiler is rated at 80+% efficiency.  I live on a two acre lot.  Is it practical to use geotherm to either assist the existing boiler or replace the boiler?
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12 Apr 2007 11:17 PM
Posted By kprosen on 04/12/2007 12:39 PM
The heat is supplied by an oil boiler that supplies hot water to base board radiators as well as domestic hot water. The boiler is rated at 80+% efficiency. I live on a two acre lot. Is it practical to use geotherm to either assist the existing boiler or replace the boiler?

I would say no. First of all you aren't likely to get 180° hot water from GSHP. Second, a GSHP isn't going to be inexpensive.

Now, if you retrofitted radiant floor heat, and dumped the radiators, that would help. But, for the money, I think that you would be better served by increasing your insulation(if possible), and/or upgrading your boiler.
....jc<br>If you're not building with OSB SIPS(or ICF's), why are you building?
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20 Apr 2007 03:54 PM
I agree that the GSHP is not the tech to use with base board radiators. However, it is possible to retrofit a current structure with DX geothermal and it have a significant pay back for you.
Jim Smith<br>EarthSource Energy Solutions, Inc.<br>1415 Beacon Street, Suite 200<br>Brookine, MA 02446<br>[email protected]
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