Sunrise and Sunset Time in a Valley
Last Post 09 May 2023 01:02 PM by pusherwr. 5 Replies.
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hogsmenUser is Offline
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12 Mar 2019 04:14 PM
Does anyone know if there is a calculator that will determine when the sun will rise and set in a valley on various days? We are close to mountain on west side but also have mountains around us in most directions. I am trying to determine how much solar exposure I will have for each day of year for a solar project. Thank you.
sailawayrbUser is Offline
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12 Mar 2019 06:18 PM
I think one of the calculators in our suite of DIY passive solar building design calculators may accomplish exactly what you want. You will just have to use a Solar Pathfinder (please see the Affiliates tab on our website for more info about this tool) or just use an Abney level and a compass to acquire the altitude angles of the terrain obstacles around the location of your solar project. The terrain obstacle altitude and azimuth angles (true, not magnetic) need to be entered into the calculator every 10 degrees from 60 to 300 degrees. For the requested day of the year, the calculator will determine the local time first/last irradiance occurs and the length of irradiance (based on the first/last irradiance times) accounting for the terrain obstacles. The calculator will also determine the local time sunrise/sunset (or the local time of the selected twilight civil, nautical or astronomical dawn/dusk) occurs and the length of day (based on the sunrise/sunset times) and NOT accounting for the terrain obstacles.

Borst Passive Solar Fenestration Exposure Calculator
Borst Engineering & Construction LLC - Competence, Integrity and Professionalism are integral to all that we do!
hogsmenUser is Offline
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13 Mar 2019 03:28 PM
Thank you Sailawayrb! Nice calculator that should do what I need to do. I ordered a Abney level from Amazon. I never heard of one tool!
mssonline2019User is Offline
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21 Aug 2019 02:56 AM
Sun rise and sun set Conventionally refer to the time when the upper edge of the disk of the sun is on the horizon considered unobstructed relative to the location of the interest. Atmospheric condition are assumed to be average, and the location is in a level region on the earth's surface.

Solar power also work well with the average sun heat.

Nishan Singh
EmilyBUser is Offline
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09 Feb 2023 12:39 AM
Sun hours have been one of the biggest hurdles in our house design. Although we get plenty in the summer time, we're looking at a grim, cold winter with our original solar plan. It's all to do with the position of our house. I've looked into hydro and wind sources but I'm not sure how reliable these are. Do you have a backup power source? If so, what will you use?
pusherwrUser is Offline
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09 May 2023 01:02 PM
Sun rise and sun set Conventionally refer to the time when the upper edge of the disk of the sun is on the horizon considered unobstructed relative to the location of the interest. Atmospheric condition are assumed to be average, and the location is in a level region on the earth's surface.
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