Siding for cold and wet climate
Last Post 29 Sep 2021 12:22 PM by newbostonconst. 1 Replies.
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canaanWVUser is Offline
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28 Sep 2021 03:42 PM
Hi all, I'm looking for a suggestion on siding for a cold, wet climate at high elevation in northern West Virginia, which is much colder than you would expect. Climate zone 5a and it commonly drops to -10 and has gone as low as -20 in the past few years. Average summer days are cool (75 on average). Different than most cold places, it's also very wet with about 60 inches of rain per year and is one of the cloudiest places in the US. Any suggestions? Hardie board doesn't stand up well to the elements here--many people have had it flake off. The guy who designed our house recommended untreated white pine over an air gap and says it just breathes naturally and will last forever, but my builder is skeptical. I appreciate any insight on that or any other suggestions. LP smart side? Thanks so much!
newbostonconstUser is Offline
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29 Sep 2021 12:22 PM
Vinyl is final....?
"Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." George Carlins
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