ICF - finished wall tollerances
Last Post 11 Nov 2009 02:20 PM by markmoyle. 4 Replies.
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markmoyleUser is Offline
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21 Oct 2009 08:40 AM
Am sure this is a touchy subject but here goes. I have completed the ICF installation of a 30,000 sqft commercial building. Contract was installation labor only. Very technical. Multi-story 3 x 14'-0 high radius walls butting in to radius walls with integrated columns and free standing 5 sided columns. A lot of ground breaking stuff and the project has gone extremely well, however we did have the occasional bulge and also a lot of rough sawn corners and openings that need to be rasped down….... and the GC has made the presumption that I should have included in my installation price, what I consider - exterior finish preparation work - by others I normally do 1,600 sqft single story homes so never foresaw this being such a big issue. Any thoughts, references or precedence would be very helpful 
cmkavalaUser is Offline
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21 Oct 2009 11:23 AM
Th finished ICF shell should be "trade ready" for other subs to follow behind you without excessive, out of the ordinary rasping.

It would be in the contract as performing in a "good workman like manner"
Chris Kavala<br>[email protected]<br>1-877-321-SIPS<br />
James EggertUser is Offline
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23 Oct 2009 08:48 AM
I don't think the issue is the bulge(s)[which you do need to rasp down] and the corner rasping, which you installed, may need to be done just to keep peace, and keep your name in the back of the archie's mind.

However, if the project requires surface prep, unless its in your specification section, the following trade has to perform it. Say, its siding..there is no prep. Say its stucco, then the stucco installer has to prep the surface for his product, ESPECIALLY, so that your so-called "prep" work cannot be kicked back as the reason stucco problems surface, or show up, or...you get what I mean!

I'm not sure what you mean by rough corners anyway?

By the way, a bulge on the outside translates into a recess in the inside! May require shimming of the surface for DW or cabinets, or just extra interior stucco/plaster if that is used.
Take Care<br>Jim<br><br>Design/Build/Consulting<br>"Not So Big" Design Proponent
garlandUser is Offline
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11 Nov 2009 02:00 PM
We are installing GYP Abuse Board on the inrerior of a 36' High GYM and are screwing it to the plastic per spec inside of the ICF foam. We also have a 12' ICF wall on the inside of the GYM. After 2 Days a number of the Floated joints vertical
as well as Horizontal are cracking some are evem bulging. Has anyone else had a problem with ICF doing similar things.
We also have 12' High Classrooms on the exterior walls using just Gyp Board seams Cracking also.
markmoyleUser is Offline
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11 Nov 2009 02:20 PM
Hi folks thanks for responses. I used Quadlock and encouraged my guys where they could to overcut corner panels, log cabin style. This is a big commercial job and a lot of other trades knocking chunks off the unfinished corners, etc so I deliberately did this so the finish guys would have something left to rasp down on OC's rather than making them all up. anyway, long and short of it is there are two opinions ... and the guy holding the money has the winning opinion. I did a little research and there is not any formal ASTM or ACI standards on finished ICF tollerances. Some people refer to traditional poured in place standards but this of course does not cover rasping down foam. So the lesson learnt is to qualify the tollerances yourself, before I/you finalize a contract
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