Motion sensor in light socket?
Last Post 24 Jun 2014 01:45 AM by slenzen. 4 Replies.
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strategeryUser is Offline
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23 Jun 2014 02:54 AM
Is it just me, or is it incredibly difficult to find a NEW light socket that has motion sensors built into it? I frequently leave my basement lights on by accident and I was wanting to install a new light socket with a motion sensor on it without having to wire a switch. Anyone else think this is a good product idea that's lacking or is it already out there and I am just too dense to find it?
Dana1User is Offline
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23 Jun 2014 10:16 AM
There are plenty of fixture-mounted occupancy sensors (with or without dimming/light-harvesting capacity), mostly targeted at the commercial lighting space.

But, Edison base bulb sockets with integrated occupancy sensing not so much, and for a good technical reason: Passive infrared sensors would need to be trimmed for the amount of local IR coming off the bulb or assembly in the socket, which will vary by the type & output rating of whatever you decide screw in there. (A 50 watt halogen has very high IR output compared to most Edison base LED assemblies, and the IR output of CFLs is all over the place.) Occupancy sensors work best when locate at least SOME distance away from the light source.

Ceiling or wall mounted standalone occupancy sensors mounted some distance away from the light emitter can work pretty well, but it takes another electrical box. Wall switch sensors are usually less work and less money (both for the hardware, and the installation.)

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23 Jun 2014 10:39 AM
Do a google search for "Screw-In Motion Sensing Light Socket". Such sensors detect movement, so a fixed position heat source isn't a problem.
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23 Jun 2014 11:44 PM
Posted By jonr on 23 Jun 2014 10:39 AM
Do a google search for "Screw-In Motion Sensing Light Socket". Such sensors detect movement, so a fixed position heat source isn't a problem.

I'm aware of these. They are not quite what I want as they hang down in a place with already limited clearance (my basement). I want a new light socket with the sensor built into it. I can't find one and it surprises me.
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24 Jun 2014 01:45 AM
i got 2 screw-ins for garage and they work intermittently. quality electronics these days are very rare.
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