Solar array mounting for "new" house
Last Post 04 Apr 2019 02:41 PM by sailawayrb. 2 Replies.
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LieblerUser is Offline
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04 Apr 2019 12:08 AM
The house I'm buying is new to me but was built in 2004-5. I'm going to try to make it "net zero" by putting as much PV on the best oriented roof face as can fit. Then doing enough other retrofits such as air sealing and additional insulation to reach net zero. The house just got re roofed with conventional shingles and has 12/12 pitched roofs with 16" OC rafters. Questions: Has anyone used the "PV Stealth" racking system? Has anyone used the "standoff" rack mounting system from Key feature of the "standoffs" is elimination of traditional flashing by using a rubber gasket and sealant on the lag screw that penetrates the rafter (the lag screw is a 5/16-18 bolt on the end where the stand off is attached). Key feature of the "Stealth" rail system is NO CLAMPS, the panels slip into the racks and thereafter gravity holds them. Comments Please!
newbostonconstUser is Offline
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04 Apr 2019 10:47 AM
The sibling site SolarPanelTalkdotCom might be the place to ask this.

I don't think I would make roof penetrations without flashing....I didn't look at the system you are talking about though.

The Stealth systems sound like the panels might rattle in the wind but again i have no experience.

Good Luck, We put up a 7k ground mount/pergola the first for the year and the family is loving it. We are starting to get to net zero and have been except for water heating for the last month.

"Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." George Carlins
sailawayrbUser is Offline
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04 Apr 2019 02:41 PM
Yes, ground mount would be the preferable solution if you have the land to accomplish it in an aesthetic fashion. You may find some good guidance on specific products and DIY options on Build It Solar:

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