Green Building PBS special taping in NYC on 12/16 - audience needed
Last Post 10 Dec 2009 10:41 AM by andycahn. 0 Replies.
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10 Dec 2009 10:41 AM
GoGreener TV taping
Wed, Dec 16, 6-8:30pm
Screen Gems Studio
222 East 44th Street
"GoGreener" is a new documentary show set to premiere on PBS stations in March 2010 that demonstrates simple and very cheap ways to cut down on your energy consumption - including many of the topics regularly discussed on this board.  We've already taped all of our location shoots, and need an audience of 80 people for the studio segments. 

If you plan to be in the NYC area on Wed 12/16, we'd love to have you be in the audience for this free TV taping.
The taping is set on Wednesday, December 16 from 6:30 to 8:30 (arrive by 6pm) at Screen Gems - 222 East 44th Street (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues). It is the same building as the Rachel Ray show.
We'd love for you to come, but we do ask that this be a commitment (only 80 seats available). We'll be making a list of 80 people, so if you confirm it
means that you'll definitely be there at 6pm on the 16th.
Please RSVP to [email protected] to request a spot on the list and we will respond to confirm.
Andy Cahn
Public Media Service
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