SIPS Cost per square foot Galvanzied w/ 4" and 6" foam
Last Post 23 Feb 2019 09:48 PM by cmkavala. 1 Replies.
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jmerserUser is Offline
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23 Feb 2019 09:17 PM

I am new to these forums, so I am hoping for good advice and tolerance if I ask repetitive or annoying newbie questions.

I am planning on putting up a studio building. 
I want to build the largest  *well insulated* building I can for a total cost of $100 - $125K = finished - including HVAC.

I am considering skinning this metal frame building with SIPS - 4" of foam on galvanized metal sheeting for the walls. 
It would make install easy if these SIPS were all one long strip (20 or 14ft) that could be fitted together (tongue and groove).
For the roof I am thinking 6" - 8" of foam on galvanized metal that is suitable for roofing material.

What kind of costs per square foot are we talking about for these kinds of metal/foam panels?

cmkavalaUser is Offline
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23 Feb 2019 09:48 PM
would be happy to quote the complete materials including, fasteners and flashings. email plans or a complete description to: to [email protected]
our panels are T&G fit and are available up to 53ft long
Chris Kavala<br>[email protected]<br>1-877-321-SIPS<br />
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